Friday, December 18, 2009

Coffee shop notes.

~From P.R.~

I was sitting in a coffee shop just the other day and found myself watching a young woman from across the room. She was quite obviously stressed about something. She appeared to be studying, but every few seconds would run a hand through her hair or stare blankly ahead. A slightly anguished look on her face. I could tell that she was upset but about what I did not know. I also had no idea who she was, but I decided to take a chance and reach out anyways.
I walked over to her table as I was leaving and stood in front of her. Noticing my presence she glanced up and just as she looked me in the eye I extended a note and she took it in what seemed a reflex. I turned and walked out the door before she could react or say anything.
The note said something to the affect of, “I don’t know you, but I do know that something has got you down. I hope that whatever it is clears up for you sooner rather then later and that you can end this day in a good place.”
I smiled to myself as I left the shop knowing that she was sitting behind me assuming I had left her my number in attempts to pick her up. As I walked down the street to my car my wonderings of how she would take the message, was she offended or would she even read it at all faded into a rush of adrenalin and excitement over what had just happened. The feeling in my chest was so intense I had to laugh just to give it a release.
There I was laughing my brains out sitting alone in my car over a note written to a woman I did not know who could have certainly tossed it into the nearest trash bin without reading it at all. Just as I was about to pull out after my laughter subdued a bit a man walked in front of my car. We locked eyes for a moment and recognized each other. It way my friend Taylor. He came to my window and I rolled it down with a bit of laughter still in my chest and a big dumb grin on my face.
He said that he was excited to have run into me and I must say I was also, especially since I was in such a excessively cheerful mood. We had a short delightful conversation which ended with him saying that he always has an epiphany every time he runs into me and he was going to go off to search for it. As he walked away from my vehicle I marveled at how much my good mood was visibly transferred into this man now joyfully walking up the street.

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